Contact Information
Email | Phone Number | LinkedIN | (425) 301-6766 | LinkedIn Link
Contact Information
Email | Phone Number | LinkedIN | (425) 301-6766 | LinkedIn Link
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Relevant course work: Data Structures and Object Oriented Design, Distributed Systems, Theory of Computing, Machine Learning, Computer Architecture, Robotics, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and Probability Theory.
Startup Experience
SignalCycle Solutions | Embedded Systems Engineer
To improve the safety and overall experience of riding a bicycle on college campuses or residential areas with lots of traffic, we have created a bicycle safety enhancing system. By adding specialized modules to bikes, like automated turn signals, we have transformed conventional bikes into smart bikes getting rid of outdated conventional techniques. The system uses an ATMEGA328P microcontroller and a custom-built software for user experience and interaction. In the report accessed through the link below, we dive into the product's objectives, design, implementation of hardware and software, struggles, and results. Although there is room for improvement, the product effectively highlights flaws of conventional bikes and tries to eliminate them.
Link to Product ReportResume
Headstarter Fellowship
Software Engineering Fellow
Built 5+ AI apps and APIs using NextJS, OpenAI, Pinecone, and StripeAPI with 98% accuracy as seen by 1000 users. Developed projects from design to deployment leading 4+ engineering fellows using MVC design patterns. Coached by Amazon, Bloomberg and Capital One engineers on agile, CI/CD, Git and microservice patterns.
Skills & Additional Info
Hard Skills
C++ (4 yrs), Python (3 yrs), Html (4 yrs), CSS (3 yrs), Dart (2 yrs), Verilog (2 yrs), C (4 yrs)
Soft Skills
Public speaking, Leadership, Teamwork, Delegation, Agile
Football, Basketball, Hiking, Camping, Traveling